The following pages are tagged with

Adding tooltips You can add tooltips to your content. These tooltips work well for glossary definitions.
Alerts Alerts are little warnings, info, or other messages that you have called out in special formatting. In order to use these alerts or callouts, put this include at the top of your page, just below your frontmatter: {% include linkrefs.html
Icons The theme has two font icon sets integrated: Font Awesome and Glyphicons Halflings. The latter is part of Bootstrap, while the former is independent. See Font Awesome icons available Go to the Font Awesome library The Font Awesome icons allow you to adjust their size by simply...
Images You embed an image the same way you embed other files or assets: you put the file into a folder, and then link to that file. The difference here is that the asset doesn't have a permalink, so here the file path actually matters. Images Put images inside the...
Labels These labels might come in handy for labeling things, such as POST, DELETE, UPDATE methods for endpoints. You can use any classes from Bootstrap in your content. <span class="label label-default">Default</span> <span class="label label-primary">Primary</span> <span class=
Links Create a link There are several ways to create links: Markdown, HTML, or keyref-style. I'll recommend the simplest way to create links: Markdown links Markdown link pointing to an external site: [Google]( HTML links HTML link pointing to an internal site:
Pages Where to author content Use a text editor such as Sublime Text, WebStorm, or Atom to create pages. My preference is WebStorm, since it will treat all files in your project as belonging to a project. This allows you to easily search for instances of keywords, do find-and-replace...
Syntax highlighting For syntax highlighting, use fenced code blocks optionally followed by the language syntax you want: def foo puts 'foo' end Fenced code blocks require a blank line before and after. If you're using an HTML file, you can also use...
Videos {% include linkrefs.html %} The theme has the [video.js]( player integrated. But the scripts only appear on a page or post if you have certain frontmatter in that page or post. If you want to embed a video in a page and use the Video JS player, add `video: true`...